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Old 2008-10-04, 02:08   Link #72
Captain Yoruichi
Yoruichi Biased! ^_^
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Ok so I finally have some information on the English dub VAs, courtesy of Wikipedia.

Clare: Stephanie Young
Raki: Todd Kaberkorn
Teresa: Christine Auten

To be honest, I've never heard the VAs for Clare and Raki, so I hope they do a good job. Especially Clare's VA, given that she's the main character.

Christine Auten, however, I've heard, and I am a fan. She did a great job as Limelda Jorg in the Madlax English dub. I'm pretty confident she'll do Teresa justice. Hopefully. *waits for rabid Teresa fans to kill me*

No listed VAs for any of the other characters yet, however.
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