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Old 2008-10-04, 19:50   Link #4047
Join Date: Jun 2007
...What? He wanted to make a better world for Nunnally since his crusade began. Sure, he was a bastard, but he was being a bastard so that he could die making the world better for Nunnally. How is that not a real reason? What you provided is so incredibly angsty that it's hard to take seriously. His modus operandi was that of lying, and then making those lies true, and...the rest...what? "Oh, my friend got offed by my fake brother who I forgave anyway, so I'm going to go emo and kill myself for the lulz", and...well, he felt guilty for what he did to Euphie, but Suzaku forgave him, presumably- and he sure as hell didn't want to kill himself over it.
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