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Old 2008-10-06, 09:52   Link #84
differently sober
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Italy
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Charred Knight View Post
My only complaint is that since the Black Knights where so poorly written that it made them look like complete idiots because only Lelouch, Kallen, and Suzaku where ever properly developed.
And, damn, they weren't so laid back in s1 *_*

I don't think they look like total idiots anyway, the mutinity was all but unreasonable, and their lack of effectiveness in the final battle makes them nothing more than normal human beings overshadowed by both Lelouch and Schneizel's rare intellects (and by the Geass, in the first case).

The bashing is clearly all Lulu-biased, but also characters like said, Lloyd and Cécile that are canonely very smart people would look like idiots back in 22 since the writers give them like 10 seconds of screentime to doubth what they were doing in following Lelouch.

Jeez, I love Shirley, but I'd love to know much more about all of this rather than knowing how frustrated the poor thing was about her crush. @.@!

The same thing happened with Death Note, and that even had the writer bashing it into the audiences head that Light was evil.
I've never been active part of Death Note fandom, althought I've read the manga and enjoyed it quite lot, but when I reported to a friend that has been quite active in DN fandom the Lulu-case, her comment was "ah, just like Light!"
And then I started to think that a lot of the misreading in the moral message of the series was actually due to the fanbase more than to the not so shiny writing itself.
Lelouch is ten times a better person than Light Yagami, but you can't really say he's a saint or a hero or such a nice, kind guy.
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