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Old 2008-10-11, 17:02   Link #133
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Mars The manga Mars is very realistic, 15 volumes. Mars is an amazing, emotional, very realistic romance manga.

Kare First Love is also excellent.

The Devil Does Exist is an excellent, realistic romance.

Wild Act is a great romance.

Happy Hustle High is great, too.

You'd also like High School Debut

To choose, read Mars and Kare First Love and The Devil Does Exist and Bokura ga Ita and Peach Girl and Kare Kano and Sand Chroniclesfor realistic drama.

Or read Happy Hustle High and Wild Act and Missile Happy! Ultra Cute and Love Attack and High School Debut and Doubt!! and Kare First Love for romance and comedy.

Or Fushigi Yugi and Ceres Celestial Legend and Absolute Boyfriend for romance and fantasy.

I know I previously posted, but I think the great school/romance manga were

Happy Hustle High
Kare First Love
Bokura ga Ita
High School Debut
Peach Girl
Marmalade Boy
Ultra Cute
Wild Act
Missile Happy!
Fushigi Yugi
Ceres Celestial Legend
Kare Kano
The Devil Does Exist
Love Attack
Paradise Kiss
Fushigi Yuugi
Sand Chronicles
Absolute Boyfriend
Land of the Blindfolded
Sensual Phrase
Sailor Moon
Akuma De Sourou

There's also Ultra Maniac and Monkey High!, but they aren't as good.

Basically, manga which actually show the couple dating and in a relationship with kissing, sex, break ups, going out, dating.

The manga versions of these were much, much better than the show.

Manga which show the couple dating and in relationships are much better than manga with too much build up, it's best when they get the couples together in the beginning, right away, show them dating and in a relationship with kissing, sex, break ups, living together, engagement, marriage.

Which ones of these have you read?

Last edited by MamoruUsagi; 2010-07-09 at 17:57.
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