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Old 2008-10-15, 15:21   Link #7710
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Originally Posted by bladeofdarkness View Post
japan would still be in britannian hands
and his becoming the KoO after ep 19 would have resulted in the same thing as him becoming the KoO before that
lelouch wouldnt have done it that way
he would have taken it by force (as he had tried to do as zero)
Well technically he did change the system just not from with in. He stood up for Lelouch because Shirley and Euphie understood that he was fighting for everyone's happiness, everyone's justice but his means did would not create that end which is why he was still willing to kill him for Euphie's murder. He was against Lelouch because he sought the total destruction of Britannia, making the people who were forced to follow along with the corrupt villains' schemes look like villains or accomplices. People like Nunally, governors who are innocent of wrongdoing but affiliated with the evil empire non the less would be seen as criminals and hated through out the entire world. Hate would still be there, prejudice would still be there, and there would still be no justice. That's the problem with taking it by force, whoever wins is the good guy and whoever loses is the bad guy. Yet Lelouch refuses to conform to the system, even if it could be redeemed because that would be like giving approval to the Empire for its past transgressions. Thus they had to find a common ground where no lines could be drawn and everybody could be on the side of justice. If your saying the Zero Requiem plan was wrong and they should have continued it Lelouch's way then I'd have to disagree.
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