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Old 2008-10-15, 18:05   Link #7719
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Originally Posted by stillmissing View Post
I haven't been following this conversation, but this caught my eye, so I figured I'd comment on it. This is frequently misunderstood, but it's really the anime's fault. Euphemia did not give up her right to the throne to procure the SAR. As her conversation with Lelouch indicated, it was the price so that he, as Zero, would be accepted as part of the SAR. The anime sadly doesn't really clarify past that point, and you just assume that Lelouch and Euphemia both understand the implications of what they are talking about.

In the novels though, it's expanded upon. Basically, any member of the royal family can give up their birthright in return for a universal pardon, basically a get out of jail free card. And that's what Euphemia traded her birthright for. A pardon for Zero for his crimes against Britannia, even his murder of Clovis. This is why Lelouch was so touched by the gesture, especially when she added that she did it for Nunnally's sake, so that the two of them wouldn't be seperated.

Of course, this was never honored as it was a secret that would be announced in a few days, and then well... the incident that happened shortly after put an end to that deal.

This is also why Cornelia was so furious with Euphemia. She didn't approve of the SAR, but it was pardoning their brother's murderer that really set her off.
Wow really? This makes me rage even more! Lelouch you prick. I was wondering why Nunally wasn't suffering from the same penalties when her name was restored.
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