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Old 2008-10-17, 20:45   Link #6
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Join Date: Nov 2004
While I'm in no condition to say what I watch is among of the cream of the crop, I believe 00 at least in season 1, and so far in season 2 has a different, more serious monotone but equally well done overall voice over production as Code Geass, with perhaps minor bias towards Code Geass because of their voice actors having more chances to perform a wider range of tones.

However, if we look at it just from a voice acting stand point, I think Geass wins out over 00 simply because their characters ALLOW them to act more freely. A big example is Setsuna versus Lelouch, and while Setsuna is infinitely more cooler in his voices for season 2, he's still far and away from Lelouch simply because of his character. Yagami Raito was done very well, so it's not like the guy can't do it.

=] course, if we are talking just 00, there's only 1 person so far other than some crappy grunt voice overs I can complain about (like ep2, that no name Ahead almost sounds like the Jennin guy at first, and only sounded different once they gave him a close up death) is Andrei. It's not like I can't see him sounding like that, but just the amount of....yeah he's just annoying. Everyone else at least "fits".

As for specific people doing awesome, I tend not to say "this guy did the best job" simply because mostly I recognize their voices from other works, and it just doesn't seem fair. Guys like Lockon, Setsuna, Ali, are all rigged to win in a sense because their voice is so damn awesome even when you've heard it across their many roles. The only guy I never heard of before in S1 that really stood out to me was Graham Aker, who pretty much sounded like he was going to RAPE and CLIMAX when he fought a gundam. That guy is awesome, too bad he doesn't fit some Seinen series heroes like Guts/Gatts from Berserk, or it'd be hilarious to do another anime on those things. Maybe Vagabond.

The other VA's don't shine as brightly, but if everyone shines, it feels too damn awkward. So overall, I'd say it's nearly perfect, just that the story is more 'realistic' and won't allow a main character like Setsuna to go all LELOUCH VI BRITANNIA MEIJIN BLAH BLAH BLAH. Oh and Geass had an overall more feminite feel to their voice actors, which fit CLAMP's work, while 00's VA's fit .... whoever the hell draws 00.

I'm still vague, but I guess 00 is leagues ahead of animes like Toradora I guess? Where like, the shortie tiger sounds older than the hyper bimbo? And I mean a lot older.

Whatever, Sunrise shows are pretty decent lately. That's all you need to hear from me right?
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