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Old 2003-11-21, 04:41   Link #43
Join Date: May 2003
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Originally Posted by Zoro
Napoleon is one of my fav generals, but that was LONG time ago haha.

general MacArthur was great, pacific general.
Rommel was a great general too... but i remember he had some sort of mental problem or some sort of diesease.
What are u talking about? Rommel never had mental problem nor any diease, and he was well-respected by not only the Germans, but the allies as well.

Napoleon is a great general, but his big mistake was Moscow. Hilter didn't seem to learn that lesson.

Alexander the Great must have been a genius to achieve what he did, even though he was given the army by his father, that guy got guts and vision to take his army to India!

Other great strategists and generals of WWII are Manstein and Guderian, the latter was said to have never lost a single battle, but may have costed German the war. Patton was great too, although by the time he entered, the war was almost over.
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