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Old 2008-10-27, 18:36   Link #4126
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Age: 36
Originally Posted by Aquillion View Post
While not related to the presidential election, this is still very important:
Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens Convicted.

This will likely end his career and give his seat to the Democrats (his seat, of course, is up in the upcoming election.) If an Obama victory brings the close senate races with him on his coat-tails (or even just more than half of the other close senate races), it will give the Democrats 60 seats in the Senate. For those who don't know how the US Senate works, 60 seats is a sort of 'magic number'; it's the number of votes in the senate you need to shut down a filibuster and force an issue to a vote.
All the the more reason why McCain should be spreading his support rather than focusing on his crippled campaign. Not many understand what is at stake this election cycle; the republican not only stand to lose the white house but also any effective role in the senate.

Ads by the republican senators up for re-election already strike the ring of an Obama victory, and warnings what would happen with a filibuster proof Democratic senate.

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