Thread: Dating
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Old 2008-10-31, 19:13   Link #837
Honyaku no Hime
Join Date: May 2008
Location: In the eastern capital of the islands of the rising suns...
Originally Posted by Amray View Post
There is no specified age for which people should start dating, and nor should there be one at all. It is up to the individual at what age they should start having 'dates' and also whether they actually want to.

I have refused starting relationships with girls that 'liked' me for the simple fact that I would rather have college and education out of the way first. Having a relationship carries a very big burden, one in which I am not willing to carry until I am successful in my chosen career path and have completed college. If I meet someone really special during that time then I may consider it but that is all.
He kinda says it all with his own example.
Like I've mentioned before, relationships during early/mid teens tend to be like a shooting star, incredibly strong and poignant but they can burn out fast (by this i mean from a month to a year)
It's a period of such rapid change, physically, mentally and emotionally, not to mention everyone is going through various stages of education, where going to uni (or 6th form for us at age 16) may cause distance between the couple, sometimes it's easier to mutually break up and find your own paths.
For some people, they simply don't want the responsibility nor can dedicate their energy to keeping a relationship healthy, but would rather focus on their studies and themselves first.
For some people in their teens, they see dating as 'practice', don't look for anything too serious until they are in their 20's and are slightly mature.
Depends on the individual and from i'm hearing lately, the area where pple live for the opportunity.
Me personally say '17/18 onwards' cause at this time high school is over, we're in the transition stage before entering uni and for some reason people suddenly mature a hell of a lot in 6th form colleges, lol.

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