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Old 2008-11-04, 15:33   Link #655
7 years bad luck
Join Date: Nov 2008
I would say that chapter 44 makes it fairly clear that Zero accepts Yuuki as she is. He says that her gaze has not changed (and in 43 even told her that she had "done nothing wrong"), which implies that he accepts that she is still Yuuki, herself, despite having changed species. Zero's real problem isn't Yuuki's change or vampires themselves--it's himself, as chapter 44 has made pretty clear I think. He also mentions in the chapter when Yuuki's blood awakens (38 or 39 I think) that he sympathizes with both Yuuki and Kaname through their blood mixing in his body. His feelings for vampires, given this, are not nearly as clear as they may seem.

Yori's understanding of Yuuki as vampire comes from a completely different angle than Zero's. Yori wasn't brought up hunting vampires, viewing them as danger. She wasn't changed into a vampire herself, and therefore knowing the dangers firsthand. Her experience with vampires is on a wholly different level than Zero's (and, I might add, a far less knowledgeable one), and to expect him to react in exactly the same manner is probably too much. So while yes, I agree that Yori is a great example to the other characters in the story, I think Zero's coming to the same answer in his own way. His perspective is just different than Yori's though.

Originally Posted by PreSage View Post
In the next couple of chapters, it may be that the three will go separate ways to pursue their own beliefs/goals...all of which will ultimately converge together again in the end. What I want to know now is what Headmaster Cross is up to, since it seems that he has returned to the battlefield once again.
Don't even get me started on the mysterious disappearance of Kaien and Yagari. ;_; This is my only complaint with recent chapters--how could Hino get us all set up for a fantastic battle against the Hunters and then drop it into the background? I really hope we don't just get an "aftermath" version--I definitely wanted to know more about that section.
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