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Old 2008-11-05, 10:37   Link #33
Join Date: Jan 2008
agreed with you ken FF, the story is getting better and better with each volumes. we now really getting into the core of the story, too bad terra didnt finish his line about the truth behind touma's power. but i ve to disagreed with you about that agito on vol 2. I really think that was just aureolus own imagination. Touma didnt do anything on that fight, he was helped by the "human fireworks" Stilles to change aureolus sense of distance, if not his head would already blown up that time.
I really want to see Aisa to get more roles ><, well even Index dont have that much roles though, cause everytime Touma found a way to keep out index from the battles....
damn, SS2 would be out in a few days, but that s only a side story, I want to read vol 17, not a side story . well at least on the same day shana vol 17 will be out....
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