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Old 2008-11-09, 21:23   Link #5176
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: East Cupcake
Here is a fairly good article (entitled The Fall) detailing McCain and...well quite a bit about everything concerning the recent campaign and McCain's failings as a leader of the Republican party, and his failings as a politician (in the past 3-4 years). This article is especially poignant for those, like me, who had supported or even voted for McCain in the past, but found his behaviour in this recent election to be reprehensible.

"Obama and his supporters decried McCain's tactics. Yet some of the strongest criticism came from people whom McCain revered or who had long revered him. And it was not merely about strategy--the backbiting that always consumes losing campaigns. It was about the very nature of John McCain. In their eyes, at least, their hero was losing not only an election but his reputation--or, as one prominent backer put it, "his soul."
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