Thread: Naruto Q&A
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Old 2008-11-10, 09:57   Link #2127
Wandering Prophet
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Age: 37
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Originally Posted by Rageaholic01 View Post
I just stumbled upon a random thought: couldn't orochimaru just use hid summoning of the dead to summon a random Uchiha then take the body/sharingan off that body?

If it was possible, he probably would have done that already ^^.. There's probably something about the technique that forbids this to happen. There's nothing mentioned about this in the manga but the answer is definitely "No".
Might be because the bodies arent their real ones, considering how 1st and 2nd hokages were actually Zaku and Kin from the sound trio.

Originally Posted by Corn View Post
People often tell me that I should read the manga, but I love the anime, and have never read manga/comic books! Rarely do I read a normal book.

Is the manga really that good? And will I still be able to enjoy the Naruto anime, when I know what is gonna happen in the story?

I love the anime because of the cool animated fights, the wonderful music and the great humor. Besides stuff like FLCL and Full Metal Panic, nothing really makes me laugh like some of Narutos characters(rock lee and gai-sensai for example)!

Im just wondering if I should read the manga or not...
Well, first of all you need a reason to read it in the first place. Do you;
*Want to be as up-to-date as manga readers are on the story
*Feel like trying a manga instead of an anime
*Hate fillers
*Tired of being constantly spoiled by manga readers

If any of those conditions matches you, I would recommend reading the naruto manga. Also remember that just because you DO read the manga, the anime doesnt get (much) worse just for that case. I still like the anime to see my favorite characters, scenes and fights fully animated with voiceovers and everything. And instead of being excited about what's going to happen in the next anime episode, I've always got the manga to look forward to.
However, whether you'll enjoy reading manga is hard to say since it's so individual. I would recommend you to maybe read a chapter or two and see what you think. If you like it, you're stuck! :)

Just remember to read the frames from right to left!
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