Thread: Anime To Ditch?
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Old 2008-11-18, 11:53   Link #5
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 35
500 gigs.....

The problem is that I might be not even be able to watch them on weekends though (I love combat, it is fun and thrilling but the weekends are gone too). I definitely need to drop some, and since I am the impatient kind, I don't think I can wait until after NS (I enlisted early this year only).

Besides I am starting to have an addiction for anime (esp those involving lolis) after I got a temporary 8-5, I risk my neck downloading them in bulk and test-watching almost every anime available on the net.

The three are already on my mind....need to size down more to around 5.

P.S Yes I am going to AFA08. I even set aside 2 leaves to be used just in case there is a need for me to go back. I am not missing the first anime convention held over here though. Not really for May'n though, but for the crowd and (H-)doujins.
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