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Old 2008-11-19, 20:20   Link #930
Join Date: Jul 2004
Originally Posted by incube View Post
lol it is surprising how what you posted is exactly the opposite of what i think about this chapter.

For starters this chapter felt much more realistic and serious than... well the rest of the series.

The truth is that until now for Kenichi beeing able to win his fights it was all thanks to his godly masters and because his opponents were nice ppl that lost to Kenichi's sense of justice and kindness. It is illogical for someone that was considered weak even among normal ppl to compete agaisnt diciples that have trained for almost all their lifes with just some months of training. Even Shou lost to Kenichi because of that and not because of actual skill.

Tiawat might not have been stronger than Shou but unlike Shou, he fought Kenichi without restraining himself. Kenichi did get stronger but winning the D&D made him a bit overconfident (ex. during the sport festival when he was about to throw the iron ball) and forget that he was still a newbie in the martial arts world. Loosing a fight can be the end of his life as a martial artist or just another test to become even stronger than before.

He is called the strongest Disiple and not the strongest martial artist for some reason.... a disiple is constantly learning and training in order to master his skills. The title is simply the objective he is aiming for.

And about Miu not being there to save Kenichi like she always did.... well im glad she didnt cause after all Kenichi's reason for enduring all the hardships is to be able to protect Miu... it is kind of insulting for Kenichi if she is protecting him all the time and it would be impossible for their relationship to go any further.
I'm mainly pissed Kenichi died. Thats the end, you can't protect anyone when you're dead period. Then to use some retarded plot device to bring him back to life is stupid. If something like thats gonna be used it should be in the final chapter after the main bad guy is defeated, not after losing to some halfassed stooge who is presumably at least 2 ranks below Shou who Kenichi has already defeated.

I'm having a hard time seeing where the manga is going from here now. How can you make any fight from here on matter when someones actually killed the main character already?
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