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Old 2008-11-30, 20:58   Link #102
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Originally Posted by SeedFreedom View Post
That's only my opinion on those two shows. Its one review and i don't expect anyone to take that as the be all and end all judgment on the anime. I was just trying to state not everyone has the same opinion on the show hence the lower, or high sales than expected. In regards to ToD itself, i knew from the beginning it was not going to be a laughfest show like the first episode. I was merely hoping for a few episodes within the series to emulate the first one. Even comparing it to other adventure/fighting shows, i found the plot weak and overall boring. But again, only my opinion.
There isn't need to dwell further into this but I'm curious which adventure type anime you use for comparison. As for fighting anime, doesn't seem to be the correct genre its shounen but not your typical shounen series.

Maybe it's me being forceful because ToD is an enjoyable series to me other of the same genre includes Rune Soldier, Outlaw Star, Slayer, Detatoko Princess, El Hazard. So in essence did series of the same genre wow in the first several episodes? Or was the fascination towards the climax of the anime?

Weak plot? Played the original game? Sometimes the anime can only be as good as the source material. Again opinion differs and the timeline consisting how much a viewer has seen of a given series which we based our opinion on differ so I won’t dwell further into it.
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