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Old 2008-12-03, 18:53   Link #5307
Not Enough Sleep
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: R'lyeh
Age: 48
Originally Posted by solomon View Post
I rarely read rather partisan publications like the Huff Post, but that's good reading Vexx.

I have read about latent anti-muslim sentiment in the country for years now. It's not surprising. It is not as if everyone is at foaming mouth KKK levels of predjiduce, no. But people are scared of these new non-american foreigners who seem REALLY angry and who we haven't really concerned ourselves about. American Muslims and muslim moderates around the world really need to continue to work up a PR system to show that only a tiny fraction of muslims are crazed beligerrents.

As for the sometimes lopsided aims of American foriegn policy, as long as nationalism rules that's not gonna change. Admittedly it is possible to be TOO pessimistic about your country. But as an Afro-American, I know that AMERICA doesn't equal ultimate freedom opportunity equality and blah de blah. As a proud citizen I also know that the country has a lot to offer and many people are diverse friendly and open. THE LACK OF NUANCE in the way we see the muslim world is what really needs to change. Hopefully, the new administration will be more mindful of that.
the moderately muslin need to speak out more, go on tv and start condeming these attacks. get more involve with the locals. do more bake sales.
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