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Old 2008-12-13, 10:14   Link #67
Iron Maw
Join Date: Feb 2006
Originally Posted by risingstar3110 View Post
Man, SE start to make less and less sense for me.

I means if a random subordinate of Arach can spy from her where did she hide BREW, and another random witch mouses can go in and get it out without being detected by two huge army forces, then why don't they just come a day earlier and get it then? Even that mosquito guy have 800 years to do so.
By spies, if you mean Eruka and Mizune sisters their surpposed to pretend work for Arachne and her organzation remember? They can't make sudden movements or, someone would have noticed which is why they used the fight as confusion to get before anyone else. Arachne was the one who knew where BREW was anyway, so Mosquito probably didn't know about it.

Ok, assume that the cyclone will only be accessible after 800 years. Why Shibusen do not send full force there earlier and prevent any force from landing into the island?
Why would they if didn't know anything was still there to begin with? They only recently got the info about Arachne's suspicious movements toward the island and it takes time to moblize a large army.

Or just gang up and take from whoever go out from that cyclone? Only 6 elite student in one class of Shibusen school can kill that many of them, and they have the whole school( if "don't risk student's life" was the case ? they were already in when they were told to go out to kill 99 demons and 1 witch)
One large army heading towards the Storm would slow them down and prolong the battle since they would be fighting Arachne's main army, so sending a smaller force to get it while Shibusen's main force to engage Arachne's, would end the battle quicker. BREW is the reason why they are there, if Arachne gets it they lose.

As far as the 6 students are concerned, they are special among their class and were the only ones able to do TSR well enough to join in the fighting.

I knows it was not from the manga, but if the anime let that mosquito guy can detach his head and escape with it, he should just do so in the start (with help of a smoke bomb perhaps)
Mosquito never expected to be damage that badly by a bunch of kids who were obiviously inferior to him for half the battle, and believe it or, not he's actually much stronger than they are.

If a small snake, which can be put into tea can do such huge effect without being detected, why Medusa do not send Mizune sisters and poison the foods of everyone then (include Arach assume Arach is stronger but same level with Marie)? Heck she even can use insecticide that way, do not need magic
The snake's effect isn't that powerful, it only works well on Stein because he's already on the edge, notice Marie wasn't affected by snake even a little bit.
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