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Old 2008-12-21, 12:08   Link #156
Utsukushii Hono'o
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Currently stalking, Evil Rick, Larthak, Malin, Kholdstare, lv23, as always Endrance.anafewothrs
Originally Posted by Evil Rick View Post
Don't worry Utsuku, I'm happy to know that people like my works

Like your work... are you kidding me?

. ...I am in love with you!

(This sig is a ten! *Kicks all the 8.5-ers!*)

When I get on your nerves just say so...after awhile I will give you a break and stalk someone else. I have to put you in my fall back guy category . See I favor different artists for their different styles. When I first start asking them...I don't ask for simple things and I am vauge about what I want. I find when I do that...Your natural creativity and your freedom to do what you want and not what I want....Gets me really hot sigs. I like to have the best. I like to show them off.

Once I find out the area you are great in. I come to you for specifics...that aren't always simple. But I have been told my requests were fun to another lifetime that is...

I also like the same image by different users... I may ask three people do the same thing...I like the same sig done by different they all have different personality. I take my requests for sigs seriously...and I am very possessive of the the really hot ones. (meaning if I really like it, I will fight a user tooth and nail for it) Actually I like them all...

Then there are the people I go to that I know can't do what I want, but until I find someone to do it. I will just give them the image and I will get a hot sig anyway even if it isn't what I had in mind. (I will love it all the same)

You can do BOTH! Be go to and fall back guy!

Then there are the people who I want to make me a sig really bad but haven't gotten up the nerve to ask them. You fill a lot of request...So I took a chance on you. Your sigs were hot...My eye kept being drawn to them. That's the main reason I asked. Not just because you were nice. I want the BEST of BEST. So I can show it off...Don't worry...I WILL TELL EVERYONE YOU MADE IT! Unless you ask me not to or I see you say you don't want credit for fear of requests <---Which would probably be me.

I am sorry I wrote a novel but I really LOVE SIGNATURES!. More than any user you'll ever see...except one I think we are about tied...

I wish I had talent. I am good at planning, but actual execution is ..................painful. You guys really have my respect. I know this isn't easy. I am in awe of your skills. I am also jealous you talented bastards are so good you tell other people "You can learn it too" You can't...some people are just bad at it.

If I ask you for a means I think you are truly good. Or else I won't ask you...

Now I put you through request hell in the last couple of days... Thanks for that you are the man! (With a name like Rick...I hope you are guy)

I will visit to shamelessly bump your thread, because frankly ...I want them to see the sigs you made for me... and your other stuff too.... but I won't bug you for a sig...

(I don't know how long I can hold off on that promise not beg...I honestly can't help it)

PS THANKS FOR THE RENDERS...Two people I haven't stalked in while promised to make me a sig.

HEHEE...I have the renders ....they have no excuse now!
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