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Old 2009-01-09, 14:47   Link #241
from head to heel
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Age: 42
Originally Posted by Conan-san View Post
And if that's Gil in that shot, I hope that Jil is out of shot ready to give him what for.
Yeah, I think it's Gil.

The homepage for the anime has two character profiles on Gilgamesh. The first, about the Gilgamesh the old king, and the second for Gilgamesh the young hero who climbed the tower.

There's a resemblance with the guy in that shot and the young Gilgamesh.

Originally Posted by Slick rick
No, the reason she ultimately goes with Neeba is because he holds the key to going to the mythical tower. If she didn't go with him she have no way to guarantee she'd be able to find another way into to the tower.
Like I said before, this doesn't make sense.

Why did she have to go to the trouble of betraying Jil, her party and practically everybody else just because of a key to the next tower? It's even simpler to admit to Jil that she lied, and the prize—a prize that they all fought for—is actually just a key. Knowing Jil, he would be even willing to help her out. Neeba doesn't even have the key; he sneak attacked Jil and stole it from them.

Last edited by kujoe; 2009-01-09 at 15:00.
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