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Old 2009-01-09, 16:28   Link #38
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Shitty old London. They must've been on drugs when they built this place, WTF were they smoking!!!
Age: 40
Originally Posted by Kinny Riddle View Post
Yes, it's all from the game, word for word. Including Akio's quip that Sanae had "huge boobs".

Nagisa reveals her true fears while drunk: She knows her biggest adversary for Tomoya is none other than her mother!
HELL YEAH! she KNOWS it. Come on, finding out that Sanae isn't a winnable charatcer in the game was the sole reason i didn't bother playing it.

And if done properly, Sanae might be even swayed to Tomoya's side, making Akio feel very, very threatened indeed. Father and daughter may have to join forces to prevent an unwanted harem from forming.
Now THAT would be a nice harem! Having Sanae-san in the pack

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