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Old 2009-01-12, 08:13   Link #29
ショ ン (^^)
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Fun episode but as i say that i wonder if they tried to touch on too many things here. Between the school festival, Yoko and Sei's visit and the problems with Kanako it seemed this episode was kind of all over the place. But once i watched it again i saw that it was not exactly unorganized. There was just a lot of information thrown at us this time around.

I must admit i could not have fathomed that Kanako's problem were triggered by her father and her best friend too the extreme. Not only did they fall in love but DAMN Kanako's dad knocked up her up now she has a sister. But it has taken so long for things to be spelled out for Kanako i mean it takes 9 months to have a child and they were involved even before then. It felt that Kanako came to a resolution fairly quickly once she heard what had really happen from her friend but then she remarked she knew it all along i guess she was in denial. Kanako is pretty weak as a character so i guess getting her story over and done with early on is all for the best.

Yumi and Touko have the best interactions i enjoy them a little more than hers and Sachiko's from the 1st and 2nd seasons. Iv also noticed that Touko is capable of making her own funny ass faces though not to the extent that Yumi does. Also, it seems that Touko has a nice little nick name Drill hair LMAO i love it. Watching Yumi pull Touko around it was almost like she was her Onee-Sama things sure are going to be interesting.

There you have it folks "Yumi please aknowledge a younger sister". They are really pushing this early one i thought it would take at 3 episodes for us to get to that but nope 2nd ep and right out of the hat. Yumi is going to have it tough from now and Im sure Yoshino will also be required to find a younger sister its about time for her as well her and Yumi and the future of Yamayurika.

Even though certain events felt rushed and weak Yumi and Touko are just a blessing i still had to give this episode 10/10 (YEP im biased and i know it. )
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