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Old 2009-01-14, 08:45   Link #46
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Originally Posted by 4Tran View Post
You shouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly. While the Marimite anime has been following the manga fairly closely, that doesn't mean that it has to follow it in all respects. It's quite possible that certain jokes or reveals have been moved around to different occassions. What you pointed out couldn't have possibly been wedged into this episode, so the creators might be saving it for later. For this reason, sins of omission shouldn't be brought up unless it's certain that the anime version isn't going to be tackling it at some point. You'd be better off pointing sins of commission instead. (And all of this non-anime talk should be inside clearly-labelled spoiler tags if they have to be brought up at all.)
Really sorry about the spoilers. I'll definitely remember next time.

Some of the jokes are difficult to bring up again because they're directly related to the school festival, but it's not impossible. It's just that this story (episode 1 and 2) is one of my favourite Marimite stories, so it didn't feel right to me without the jokes that actually made the story so fun to read.
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