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Old 2009-01-14, 21:04   Link #2188
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 43
Personally I'd prefer Taurens served up as terriyaki, goulash or vindaloo.

@Sephi: Mana is not really that much of a problem at all anymore. Evocation has been reduced from an 8 minute cooldown to 5 minutes. When the 3.0.8 patch comes out in a week or two, it will be only 4 minutes. In the Arcane tree you can use talents in 3.0.8 to lower it to just 2 minutes. Mana gems before 60 only get a 1 shot use, but those learned in Outland and Northrend get 3 uses and VERY HIGH returns. The Northrend one returns close to 4k as a base return. The tier bonuses in Mage sets in Northrend pump that up to around a 5k return, cd on using it is 2 minutes. In my runs yesterday, I was only drinking in after a boss fight. In between, pop your gems and Evocation. Mages have less mana problems than other classes while levelling. We're fast and efficient. Plus you will have very good soloing capabilities. Go either Arcane or Frost for levelling and you'll have kiting abilities to boot. As for the give water issue, it's not bad at all. I only get a random once a month asking. Plus in Outland and Northrend, you learn the Ritual of Refreshment, which allows you to conjure a table for the whole party/raid to take 80 biscuits/strudel each, which replenish both health and mana. Just pop it at the start once everyone is there and you won't get asked again. I don't have to Evoc in 25 mans, I generally only use it while going through 5s or 10s. Trust me, Mages don't have mana problems these days compared to other classes. And they're really fun.

As for Shamans, they have a fair amount of mana problems until level 62. You will be very reliant on totems until then, plus the lv50 class quest has no good rewards at all, the only class that has rewards of fail for that one. -_- Your mana spring will replenish a bit, but not a lot. Between 40 and 62, you'll be drinking after 1-2 creeps, it's that harsh. But admittedly once you get Water Shield, which replenishes mana as charges disappear, it gets much better. Now the problem at 80 for Shamans is mainly Resto is what is sought after. Elemental Shamans aren't putting out the numbers to compete with the better DPS in raids, Enchancement Shamans are also a way off. I'm not sure you'd want to heal at 80, plus you sound like you want to have solo potential. I'd rule out Shaman.

Paladins....well you've got Judgement of Wisdom and some talents in Retribution to reduce costs. But that doesn't stop Ret pallies from running out of mana in seconds. Same for Prot pallies. You could level Holy, it's doable, but it takes a lot of steel. At 80, any of the 3 specs could work but only Ret would give you decent solo potential. However, that will severely limit your potential to get into decent runs/guilds as there is a glut of Ret pallies on any server due to their great dmg.

I'd recommend Mage. Fast levellers, fun, lot of decent loot you can get at any point. Loads of soloing capability. Groups love having one. It's up to you, gl with whatever you pick. But if you pick Mage, I'll help you with advice whenever you need it.

Btw, what server and race were you planning to roll on?
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