Thread: 2012/12/21
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Old 2009-01-16, 03:56   Link #7
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
Center of the galaxy would be bad..... very bad.... its a long way away and its already got an occupant: a black hole of several million solar masses.

The calendar bit is fun but utter hogwash: calendars are purely human constructions.

As said.. planetary alignments happen all the time.... astrologists are just utter fail on astronomy. It passed the time 7000 years ago....

Nostrodamus... ah the con-artist fools a new pack of eyeballs every generation. Seems like he gets popular again every 20 years or so...

North/south pole re-alignment? nothing much.... expect compasses to require remarking, some avionics to need a tuneup. If the magnetic field SHUTS DOWN (which it apparently does during a shift ... which has happened dozens of times) then you might want to use an umbrella and sunglasses because the field diverts a bit of space radiation to the poles.

Really.. there are any number of really cool REAL THINGS that go on in the universe to put up with fanciful but bogus crap...

Slice of Life's UNIX wrap date mention actually might break something here or there (some UNIX driven system divides by zero and makes jelly instead of eggnog or the lights go out for a few minutes).
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