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Old 2009-01-22, 00:27   Link #2452
Uncountable rationality
Join Date: May 2007
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Age: 31
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about the blackboards, I think it creates a screech at a certain frequency which is usually never heard. It probably just surprises many more people than it scares. And as some people are more easily scare than others, it creates "displeasure" for some, but not all. Not remembering if it has ever happened while I was in the vicinity, I wouldn't know, but we can guess, unless you really wanted to scratch a blackboard.

Another question, is it possible to remove the need for sleep indefinitely?

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so. Douglas Adams
Where facts are few, experts are many. Donald R. Gannon

void foo() {foo();} // Can you guess what this line of code does?
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