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Old 2009-01-23, 05:32   Link #2466
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Philippines
Age: 47
Originally Posted by -KarumA- View Post
silly question, is it really bad if you sneeze and squeeze your nose shut when you do it?
I've sneezed like that all my life cause I hate having whatever is inside hanging down from my nostril afterwards that or it gives me a bit of a soar throat (I sometimes sneeze over 8 times in a row and then multiple times a day if there's a lot of different scents), my sister always complains that I should sneeze normally but she never states why nor can she clearly defend her statement and over the years I have developed automatism so it is quite hard to not do it cause my hands fly up automatically lol
Yeah, I tried it and I wound up earning an earache, and an earache results from nearly damaging the drum from so much air pressure, and infection caused by germs from the nose, as they're connected by a canal. It seems that a medical mask should be appropriate in this case.
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