Thread: Crunchyroll White Album (All Episodes, 1-26)
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Old 2009-01-23, 09:16   Link #336
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Episode 3 certainly was interesting though it left me with more questions than answers but nonetheless a good episode.

That slap from Rina was well damn it was more like pimp slap than anything else. I feel her motives right now are for the benefit for Yuki and Touya at the moment i dont sense any malice on her part but i can see how this is going to be a problem later. She is basically inserting herself into their relationship at a time when its unstable. Which could lead to misunderstandings and the more time she spends with Touya the more chances there are for her to fall for him.

Im also wondering about the Yuki and Touya's first meeting. Which they both seem to have remembered their first meeting differently. Im thinking that Yuki memories of them meeting when they were children is more accurate and Touya forgot hence him saying they met in high school.

There is something really fishy going on with Eiji why would he fire Touya only to tell Rin why dont they talk it out and why the hell was he in the closet. He sure as hell ran like mad once Rina found him and how did she know he was in closet and how long had he been there for.

Yayoi is very cool i think it was her on the rooftop and she saw Yuki and Touya together and she was the responsible for the Saturday work but we shall see.

I couldn't help to laugh when the knock came at Touya's door and of course he knew it Haruka. What made it even funnier that after getting a date invite from Yuki he rushes back out because he knew she would probably still be there LMAO. Shes such a weird character but i cant help but to like her for some reason.

Rina is just a suburb character all around she dominates the screen whenever she appears and anyone who happens to be in the scene with her becomes back round noise. Its easy to see why she is the favorite of many a fan so far including me. The air about her and the confident personality draws attention to her and makes her shine brightest.

The only thing im not liking right now are thought blurbs above Touya's head during certain scenes. The first episode i didnt mind it but now it just feels like a cheap way to express a characters feeling with having to actually have to them either say it or act it out. I honestly hope it does not last long but im sure it will.

Next episode should prove to be very interesting it feels like the downfall of Yuki and Touya's relationship gets closer and closer and with other girls waiting in the shadows this may and WILL get messy.
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