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Old 2009-02-03, 06:08   Link #1909
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Why I'm saying Nanoha is a dam is because the magical energy is already present in her body long before she even starts casting a spell. It's like a lake of magical energy. To release it, she has to 'open' a part of the 'dam' containing it. She can open a small gap to let a little bit of energy trickle through for low level spells, but as soon as she tries to push more energy through that small gap, she increased the pressure on that small gap, increasing the chance of a 'dambreak'

To safely channel the energy for a Divine Buster, she needs a larger gap which would create less pressure on the dam. This method is not necessarily perfect, and chances are she could tweak the gap to be smaller to allow less unneeded energy to come through, but Nanoha is particularly noted for her control so such a tweak would be small. Unlike Hayate, who has a vast lake, bigger then Nanoha's, but is not as good in opening gaps as Nanoha, leading to more loss of energy.

This would then also be why Starlight Breaker is dangerous for her health, because it pumps a lot more 'water' through a hole that isn't created to handle such a pressure.
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