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Old 2009-02-03, 06:53   Link #1913
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Out of curiosity, how do you explain healing magic then? Or boost magic?
Don't ask me for precise engineering details, but minor healing magic is presumably some set of particles that radiates in a fashion that excites the natural reproductive activity of cells.

Major healing magic is probably some kind of pseudomatter trick (read: "band-aid skin") due to the limits of natural reproduction. It seems likely, given the known limitations of healing magic (they seem to do OK on small wounds but heavy wounds still put people in the hospital), that most healing magic is of the former basic type, if the latter type is practical at all.

Boost magic is probably the magical equivalent of adding chemical catalysts.

If you are unhappy with those questions, I must wonder, how will making it pure energy (remember, lightspeed and all that) make this any easier to solve?
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