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Old 2009-02-04, 14:55   Link #84
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: UK
Age: 42
Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
Question: How reliable is j-cast?

Second Question: Would they actually tell the truth to j-cast before their magazine releases?

Third Question: Why troll at all? To sell the magazine? If so they may have gone too far. If not....perhaps the trolls are the doubters and those with an ax to grind already.

About six days until the magazine comes out. Eight to Nine days until Haruhi-chan comes out.
I can't tell you anything about J-cast since it is out of my knowledge, however they could have just given a "We don't comment about rumors" statement or something like that if they were going to indeed disclose Haruhi 2 in their coming magazine.

J-cast might be making stuff up, but Kadokawa saying to that they aren't going to release Haruhi 2 in April is just as bad publicity for their own magazine.

A "no comment" stance would certainly lead to more sells than a "no, there's no Haruhi 2" stance.

Just my opinion anyway.
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