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Old 2009-02-07, 00:38   Link #1852
Clare's #1 fan
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Florida
Originally Posted by Traun View Post
Is he? It was stressed that he is desperate to find her, which means that he is probably pressured by something, and there is still the issue with his companion. That thing is going through something and I'm going to bet that Raki is tightly connected with it.
Now I don't want to say anything bad about Clare, I really like her, but she seems to go with the flow. At first she was a Claymore, she killed yoma and nothing more. Sure she wanted to become stronger, but she didn't do much about it ( she did train her yoki senses though, you should give her this). After the Organization backstabbed them she started to follow Miria's plan. The Prescillia plotline went to kingdom come, so the revenge part goes to hell. You see, she always followed someone. First The Organization, then Maria, she never pick her stuff and went her own way, she just follows.

It is not her fault though, it is probably just an oversight by Yagi, seeing how he is concentrated more on the side characters, then Claire at the moment.

P.S. I am really sorry about my English at the moment, but it's four in the morning ( not an excuse, I know ). I will probably edit it later on and comment on the other half of the post, I just lack the energy to do that now.
I disagree.
Clare has been doing her own thing from the beginning. She was always doing what she wanted. First to willingly join the Org. Ruble was surprised when Clare start following the rules. Clare was the one that decided to leave the north, then Miria followed her.

Clare is still after Priscilla, Clare does not know that Priscilla is with Raki. She still wants to fight Priscilla, but she know she needs to get stronger.
Miria is alive
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