Thread: Valentines
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Old 2009-02-11, 13:28   Link #194
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: England
Age: 34
Despite the fact that I used to recieve some cards at school, I always never really payed much notice to St Valentines Day. But what I do not understand is; why do girls spend money on these cards and such only to write "Love ???? XX".

If I were a female then I would write my own name so that I atleast have a chance with the person I am writing it for as opposed to making it some big game. As a male I know for a fact that other males do not bother trying to find out who wrote them the card as they cannot be bothered and if anything it annoys it does me. If they wrote their name I would probably respect them more....or is this guessing game only understandable to girls? Should I understand this?
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