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Old 2009-03-06, 09:46   Link #20
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Age: 35
I'm not talking about japanese fans... all I'm talking about is the dub. If you ask any adult from the ages of 28-45 what anime is, most adults will say its a freaking cartoon. This is not what the medium actually is. This stigma is worse, because the people with money to spend on games movies, and other hobbies are the people I mentioned between ages 28-45. This is a coveted demographic because these people have spending money. In essence they locked out a key demographic and turned anime into a kids only thing. Where as American animation has slowly been moving toward just great family friendly story telling that isn't aimed solely on the child demographic. Thats why animated movies, such as Ratatoullie and Wall-E are hits, they didn't just get parents and their kids, but they also got the casual crowd to go see them. My point isn't about japanese fans, its about the stigma pokemon left on anime as a whole on the western world. And then to boldly claim that these two franchises are the most important is preposterous. You say anime was lukewarm??? Sigh... thats your opinion, but otaku spending proves otherwise. I admit pokemon influenced the market, but in a bad way, and as I mention before the op was pointing to positive influences on anime not negative ones. but then again you would have gotten that point if you actually read my post.
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