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Old 2009-03-06, 23:30   Link #159
Bittersweet Distractor
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 32
I no longer see the point in prolonging this inevitable relationship. It has been clear for episodes now that both characters like each other, if they want to pace this show well and not drag on emotions, next episode is the perfect episode to start breaking the water for Taiga and Ryuji.

Anyhow, I rated this episode as good (7/10), it was a good transition episode. I expect problems to rise with Ryuji's life as we start to learn about his true interests in life. Though Taiga seems to be lonely in life, it is Ryuji who truly seems to be lonely. You can see it in the scene where he is shedding tears because Taiga is in his house.

At first I was quite impartial to this RyujixTaiga relationship due to my attachment to Minorin, but because I have tossed aside any disappointment and have started to look at this show from the standpoint of seeing this relationship develop, I have actually started to warm up a lot to this couple. Unlike many shows (Canvas2 is the most blatant example to me), Toradora does not jump the shark with the character emotions at all. It is very consistent and develops their characters incredibly well. I have been quite pleased to find this because I do not get to see this too often in any anime I watch these days, well of this genre.

I will be excited to continue this show to the end, my expectations are seemingly a little higher than I would like, but hopefully they will be met.
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