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Old 2009-03-11, 17:37   Link #1149
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Kotomine is the type of guy who is usually among my top target list in various action games et al that I've played, sociopaths are just not my cup of tea if you will.

The ero-scenes in HF at least attempt to be plot-related, however, and have this creepy undertone that I really loved.

Especially since Shirou porking her every night is probably just making the shadow WORSE...
For the Sakura ero scenes, they irritated me as they were more of a distraction from the plot rather than adding to it, as I rather preferred continuing with the plot narration instead.

Ultimately, Shirou being a live person rather than a doll/puppet of sorts is still a better outcome, and being able to fully develop his talent and be happy rather than just living an everyday existence would make him more well-rounded as a person IMHO.

Besides that, broken yanderes are absolutely not my thing whatsoever.
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