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Old 2009-03-12, 16:23   Link #15
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Dying to get back to Japan (but currently near Chicago)
Age: 36
Ah, I figured. It’s umai, only backwards.
まいう~ = 美味すぎ
True. But just figuring out where the word comes from is not what I'm looking for exactly.

I just googled it.
お暇を告げる(おいとまをつげる) means ''to bid farewell''. Something like in ’そろそろおいとましなくては'
Haha, I don't know what I was doing. It was spelled out in hiragana in the novel, and then I wrote it down as kanji after I looked it up. Then I forget how to read it, haha. Okay, thanks nikorai. That makes sense. My dictionary had this, 暇申し, which would fall along the same lines, but it didn't have anything with 告げる connected. I should've recognized the connection though. So I rep'd you as a thank you, but I accidently hit enter before writing my name. So the weird one you notice is from me.

For the second one I'm pretty sure that's all that was there, but let me check......haha, guess I was wrong. There was a behind it which I thought was もう instead of the going with the before it to make とも, and the going with すうす. Hmm...guess this thread may become more for catching my mistakes than anything else. But mystery solved nonetheless. So on to うすうす's definition. My dictionary says this:
So "vaguely aware" like nikorai mentioned.

I'll be back with more when I have some more time.
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