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Old 2009-03-15, 21:40   Link #2139
Honyaku no Hime
Join Date: May 2008
Location: In the eastern capital of the islands of the rising suns...
Originally Posted by Alchemist007 View Post
I wish the post WW2 'get ride of kanji' thing was successful. I hate all this memorization. Kana ftmfw.
慣行 【かんこう】 (adj-no,n) customary practice, customary practise, habit, traditional event, (P)
敢行 【かんこう】 (n) decisive action, (P)
刊行 【かんこう】 (n) publication, issue, (P)
完工 【かんこう】 (n,vs) completion, (P)
観光 【かんこう】 (n,vs) sightseeing, (P)
寛厚 【かんこう】 (adj-na,n) (uk) kindness, largeheartedness
勧降 【かんこう】 (n) call to surrender
勧工 【かんこう】 (n) encouragement of industry
緩行 【かんこう】 (n) going slowly
緘口 【かんこう】 (n) keeping silent
勘考 【かんこう】 (n,vs) consider
感光 【かんこう】 (n,vs) exposure, sensitization, sensitisation
勘校 【かんこう】 (n,vs) examination and correction
箝口 【かんこう】 (n,vs) gagging, hushing up

And if that isn't enough....
講堂 【こうどう】 (n) auditorium, (P)
坑道 【こうどう】 (n) tunnel, (mine) level, (P)
行動 【こうどう】 (n,vs) action, conduct, behaviour, behavior, mobilization, mobilisation, (P)
黄銅 【こうどう】 (n) brass
黄道 【こうどう】 (n) ecliptic
孝道 【こうどう】 (n) filial piety
公道 【こうどう】 (n) public road, justice
皇道 【こうどう】 (n) the benevolent Imperial rule, the Imperial Way
香道 【こうどう】 (n) traditional incense-smelling game
高堂 【こうどう】 (n) you, your beautiful home

And I've not even scratched the tip of the surface, this is just a preview of the horrorsbeauty of this homophonic language.
What until you get onto all the tonal ways of pronouncing each one depending on which part of Japan you're from, then it's lots of fun.
</reason why kanji is needed>

The pain of memorisation is felt within the natives too, not just us foreigners, but it's all about how you approach it (as with most things in life)
Make a game about it, have fun, learn kanji for everyday items that you use and come across so it becomes instantly practical, rather than just rote memorisation of words you're not likely to see, let alone use.

If it's really too much of a bother, then don't learn kanji but you'll remain illiterate to the Japanese language.

Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. - Van Wilder
"If you ain't laughin', you ain't livin'." - Carlos Mencia
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