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Old 2009-03-19, 06:06   Link #153
seiyuu maniac
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Tokyo, Japan
I didn't mind they left out the kiss scene, while it was an "awwww" moment, it was actually kind of poorly done in the novel. Also without the internal monologue explaining Ryuji's sudden urge to want to kiss Taiga, adapting that scene is pretty difficult. Right now it actually flows quite naturally in the anime.

As for Ryuji/Taiga acting rash out of nowhere, again it felt pretty natural. Since the rashness of it comes across, and I think the point of it was preciously that the writers here wanted to point out the rashness/irrational decisions that Ryuji is making. While what they want to (run away and get married) is all romantic and all that, but it shouldn't be something entirely agreeable (heck even Minorin said she doesn't agree to them running away, even though she is supporting them). And we see in the preview that Ryuji returns to school (well we know they return to school in the novel), so there are hints that after some cooling off for Ryuji and Taiga, they come to realisation that what they decided on (running away) is actually not the right thing to do and they were acting out of their impulsive feelings for each other, so again this is not something I found to be a problem.
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