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Old 2009-03-27, 15:09   Link #364
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
... well, its "the same" in the same sense that a one page synopsis of a 30 page study is "the same". Episode 24 and 25 had to cover nearly two full volumes of story. It was probably a hair-pulling process of reduction. Ep 24 seems to have suffered the most (in terms that many people who have not read the material had some difficulty in understanding the "why" of some actions). Ep 25 wrapped up nicely but there were a lot of parts left on the floor from the assembly.... and as Kaisos mentions they had to do a lot of the storyboarding from an outline rather than the detailed events of the last book.

Overall I loved the anime series (and will discuss it in that thread when it is created) but I'm not going to pretend there weren't any blemishes.
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