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Old 2009-03-31, 19:42   Link #206
Blackbeard D. Kuma
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
Like I said, I was nearly fooled, mainly because of the name in the intro box. I know that younger Akainu's face (at least what's shown of it) looked different in Ohara, but I kinda figure that since both Aokiji and Kizaru's designs are modeled after real-life Japanese actors, Oda would follow suit with the Red Dog, as well. So even if his final design is different from that fake, it might not be that far off the mark, either......
All I said was that I wouldn't fall for that pic you posted. If you interpreted that statement to mean that you fell for it, that was not my intention. I know you didn't fall for it. I just gave my reasoning as to why I felt that couldn't be Akainu.

Akainu's design will most likely be modeled after a Japanese actor, just for the sake of following that trend with the admirals so far. Since Aokiji pretty much looks exactly like he did 20 years ago during the Ohara incident, Akainu will probably look very similar to how he looked back then as well. If that's the case (which it most likely is), then yeah, that design is far off no matter how you look at it. There are no similarities whatsoever. I already have seen two Japanese actors that people feel are very good candidates to have Akainu based off of, and they look nothing like the design in that spoiler picture.
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Last edited by Blackbeard D. Kuma; 2009-03-31 at 19:57.
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