Thread: I like 2D Girls
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Old 2009-04-02, 11:47   Link #11
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: forever lost inside a logic error
I suppose when you talk about 2D girls you are probably referring to the girls showed in many male oriented anime (expecially those based on eroge). But those girls are usually very idealized and not only in their physical appearances. And they are not idealized as soulless sex toys, they are actually very good persons, and i mean they actually care about others's feelings, they'd never do anything that would hurt others (except for gag purposes) and they don't seem to have the slightest idea of what a "flame war" is.
This is usually the stereotyped girl's personality that the main male teenage japanese audience is fond of.

Reality is quite different from that, but that's only to be expected.

On the other side the males represented on girl oriented anime are very sensitive persons, intelligent, good at sports, absolutely not violent, non aggressive, and very confident. They are calm, relaxed, they don't drool in front of sexy girls, they don't use foul language.

Now if i look at all this and try to make a comparison with reality i'm gonna cry

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