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Old 2009-04-03, 08:05   Link #7
Hs Vi Germania
Please call me "senpai":)
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Germany
Age: 33
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Originally Posted by Kusa-San View Post
Well, here is my first thread in this section. I want to talk about politeness in the world because I have the belief that the more the time pass the less there is politeness.

Here an example :

When i take the car to go somewhere, i always say hello to the driver. But many people don't do it and i find that disrespectful. The worst is when i say "Hello" to a bus driver and he don't answer me Generally after that i'm in bad mood and i start to mumble a "You, bastard"

Another one :

When i'm in course at my College, sometimes the teacher says "Stop talking please" but even with that there is always some people who talk and don't listen him. It really get on my nerve. I mean we're in College now, we're not children anymore and we're here to learn not to chat about the last week-end and all.

In the end, i really have the belief that there is less and less people who are polite. So i was wondering if it was the same around you ? And if i'm the only one thinking like that.
I only say "hello" to persons I know VERY well.
Else I prefer "Good afternoon", in German "Guten Tag" which equals "Good Day", but it is the most polite form in German.
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