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Old 2009-04-04, 17:07   Link #2053
Μ ε r c ü r υ
Join Date: Jun 2004
Glad to have learned that I am nuts.

Anyways. The question you may want to ask is whether you can justify the negative results caused by that legalization. You cannot do anything about alcohol at this moment. The best you can do is to increase the punishments even further (though that may mean increasing the prisons' capacity by at least tenfold). But, that is all. Even the best regulations that people have come up are still not enough to prevent its dangers. That is almost like a guarantee that you will also fail in regulating other substances' usage, and people's access to those substances. In such a case, you really need to provide the public with every guarantees, and let them know why these will succeed despite the ones used for alcohol consumption did not. But, giving the example of alcohol in a positive manner to legalize those substances' usage does not seem like a good approach to persuade people like me.

Oh, and I am amazed at that 25 million people stats. Especially if it is being consumed despite it being considered as illegal. The irony would be those people representing the people who are swearing on the banking people because they also crossed the legal boundaries. Sweet temptations...
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