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Old 2009-04-08, 08:08   Link #105
Join Date: Feb 2009
Originally Posted by zzeroparticle View Post
Well, if you're a Yuugo Kanno fan (I refer to him as the "other" Kanno), you may want to try listening to his compositions from Toshokan Sensou. The rest of the album is a hit or miss depending on your musical tastes, but the main theme and the arrangement of the theme at the end of the album are absolutely beautiful.
Yeah, I did that, he caught my ear in that show first - but as you said, except the main theme and some parts of other pieces, it's just inferior to his current work...I think it also lacks in thematic development (due to it being shorter). That one theme for the Ryunka in Birdy for example popped up like in every second track (on the first disc).
I'm looking forward to whatever he'll score next.

Hm...Naoki Sato writes wonderful original scores too, especially his work for Heroic Age and Sword of the Stranger is recommendable to listen outside of the anime...if you're into orchestral.
Although the latter did suprise me, a samurai movie with celtic-influenced music? Well, okay...'_'
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