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Old 2009-04-09, 01:24   Link #11
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: definitely not here
Animation Quality: 7 - nobody could produce images a beautiful as Hino Matsuri sensei could; so the animators did their best
Voice Actors: 9 - Of all the seiyuu, Kisho Daisuke is definitely born to become Kaname's VA
Script: 9 - well, they did rip 3/4 of it out of the manga
Soundtrack: 8.5 - the OST is haunting. A friend had the creeps listening to Still Doll at 3 in the morning
Editing: 6.5 - they changed some of the scenes. Frankly, I don't like it
Enjoyment: 7 - because I love VK, and I think I need to see it no matter how bad it would turn out to be
Emotional Involvement: 6 - the manga is better. Sorry

Average = 7.57
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