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Old 2009-04-11, 17:59   Link #101
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
I actually agree with the sentiment of Jinbei making Ace's safety his top priority. Even if he and Luffy fail to save Ace at Impel Down, they can still travel together to Marineford to make a second rescue attempt (that is, as long as they aren't too injured/tired....). After all, despite whatever differences the two of them had in the past, we can see that Ace and Jinbei have a good deal of respect for each other now. Plus, seeing as Jinbei has such great reverence for Newgate, I'm sure that he'd have no objection to taking Ace to safety while war being waged. I also think that Jinbei has less of a chance of losing his position if he went MIA (i.e. bringing Ace to his homeland) instead of openly rebelling against the government with Whitebeard.......
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