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Old 2009-04-12, 20:34   Link #189
Join Date: Jan 2009
Originally Posted by TechnoToy View Post
For me, characters play a huge role in how I rate an anime. I just found the characters in Lucky Star very intolerable. Everyone says how Konata is a great character, but I just found her annoying. Just the way she acted and the things she said kind of aggravated me. And unfortunately she is the subject of worship by man LS-tards ( darkpanda008's comment). She is probably the main reason for my general disgust of this series (albeit the other character were a major annoyance as well).

It's weird, I am usually all for the kind of random and episodic anime, (like Nyoron Churuya-san and Azumanga Daioh) but Lucky Star didn't really appeal to me. Now for the people that are going to say "I bet you didn't watch past episode 4", I've watched the whole series, so I gave it a fair chance to redeem itself.
What, specifically, do you dislike about the characters or find annoying? Many people like Konata because she is either a lot like yourself, an extreme opposite which makes it funny, or a mix in between (which was the case for me.)
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