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Old 2009-04-15, 18:37   Link #1
Shadow Kira01
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Join Date: Jul 2008
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North Korea Crisis

Considering what North Korea has recently done, I think this topic definitely deserves its own thread. Here are some links that will provide valuable information on the situation:

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1718

N. Korea ejects IAEA inspectors from Yongbyon nuclear facilities
North Korea Expelling US Monitors From Reactor Site


North Korea is now going out of control. Not just that they dare defy the international community's strong protests and test-fired a ballistic missile in the disguise of a "satellite", they are now going to improve their missile and nuclear capabilities due to their failed "satellite" test. This is clearly a severe violation of the United Nations Security Councile Resolution 1718. They are now going to stop six-party talks from advancing by not participating in it which means that the six-party talks concept was trash to begin with.

Whose idea was it to have six-party talks? Oh wait, isn't it the same country that is currently urging the world to remain calm about North Korea's recent defiances? It is also the same country that is unwilling to cooperate on the issue of North Korea at the United Nations Security Council, forcing Japan and the United States to stick to a press statement rather than a presidential statement meaning that it is merely an act of drama rather an actual effective plan to pressure North Korea to cease their hostile attitudes. China is definitely an obstacle to resolving the North Korea crisis and that if this very fact is ignored, North Korea will definitely be encouraged to continue their acts of aggression from now on..

Unfortunately, nothing can be done at this moment since China and Russia are both veto-wielding members of the UNSC. In this case, the United Nations Security Council is useless.

I do acknowledge that there are many different types of voices on AnimeSuki and that many of you are just as knowledgeable as I am when it comes to global issues, so what do you guys think of this issue?
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